Japanese Gunnery - Meiji Jingu Reisai 2017 |
名古屋刀剣博物館 |
The art of Japanese ancient gunnery appeared after the introduction of firearms by the Portuguese when they first landed in Japan in 1543. Originally, those new weapons were less efficient on the battlefield than the traditional bow, which was superior in terms of precision, shooting speed and range.
It’s during the Sengoku period, with its constant military conflicts, that the “Hojutsu” was created. It consists in the correct handling, aiming and physical training that allows the shooter (“Hoshi”), to control his gun with maximum efficiency.
It’s during the Sengoku period, with its constant military conflicts, that the “Hojutsu” was created. It consists in the correct handling, aiming and physical training that allows the shooter (“Hoshi”), to control his gun with maximum efficiency.